As part of the WDNA community and to help with the running of the competition, all Clubs are rostered on to Clean-up Duty.
There are three shifts each game day, each shift is one hour long:
· Morning – 7:30am
· Lunch Time – 12:00pm
· Afternoon – 4:30pm


  • Clubs are responsible for organising replacements/swaps if your representative is unable to attend your rostered duty.
  • Club representatives are to report to the control box before they commence.
  • The morning shift is responsible for helping to ensure the courts are ready for competition to start. As long as all duties are completed this shift may be less than an hour.
  • The midday shift hour is flexible for start time (between 11.30am and 12.30pm start). As long as all duties are completed this shift may be less than an hour.
  • The end of day shift will not finish until the final game has ceased and most players/spectators have left the venue.
  • Club representatives are expected to be available for their whole shift.
  • During finals there may be less shifts as there are less games.
  • A financial penalty may be enforced if your representative does not attend.

Duties include picking up rubbish, sweeping, emptying bins, cleaning the toilet areas, replenishing supplies in the toilets, collecting lost property around the courts, and returning wheelie bins to holding area at the end of the day.

Club Clean Up Roster 2019
(click to download)